Annual tNavigator Technology Summit

8 Global Locations



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    Hydraulic Fracturing
    A complete hydraulic fracturing workflow consists of fracture propagation modelling and simulation of fluid flow through the fractures.
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    The model grid is built with all reservoir petrophysical and geomechanical properties. By using the same grid the seamless integration between static and dynamic modelling through automated workflows offers a less time-consuming and challenging process compared to traditional industry practices. Reservoir and fracture properties can be included in Assisted History Matching and Uncertainty Workflows

    Hydraulic Fracturing
    Hydraulic Fracturing
    Unconventional Reservoirs
    The versatility of tNavigator makes it an ideal choice for working with unconventional projects.

    Whether you are working with ‘Shales’, Coal Bed Methane, Coal Seam Gas, or Heavy Oil, tNavigator has functionality you can use to improve results. The ability to move wells and fracs independently of the 3D-Grid design is common across all types of unconventional and conventional plays.  This feature, together with some powerful optimisation techniques and an adaptable workflow management tool, makes it easy to plan robust locations for wells in all types of unconventional plays.

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    tNavigator uses a joint system of coupled equations to calculate reservoir fluid flow and geomechanical effects simultaneously.
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    The calculations are solved numerically in parallel, utilising all CPU & GPU cores available. The processor includes vector field data such as stress matrix diagonal elements, displacement vectors, and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. In addition, tNavigator includes a fracture propagation tool that uses information from the fracking process to characterize certain parameters, such as height & conductivity.
