Annual tNavigator Technology Summit

8 Global Locations


Assisted History Matching & Uncertainty Quantification



We pride ourselves in providing technology that empowers our users to achieve great results. The power of automation, integration, parallelised computation and artificial intelligence come together in unified environment to ensure meaningful insights.

Our set up is designed to be easy and flexible, allowing you to use your valuable time analysing your data and results. We provide an extensive toolbox of algorithms to accommodate different models and objectives.

There is no magic button to give you the right answer, however tNavigator is there to support your expertise for exceptional decision making.

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    Uncertainty Quantification
    Evaluating multiple scenarios helps to deepen the understanding of the reservoir and to gain more confidence by evaluating risks and probabilities.
    • Easy variable definition
    • Extensive algorithms toolbox
    • Customisable analysis dashboard
    • Seamless integration of static & dynamic uncertainties
    • Imbedded clustering analysis
    Uncertainty Quantification

    Uncertainty Quantification

    Assisted History Matching
    Easily calibrate your simulation model to match observed history with powerful experimental design & optimisation algorithms. The simple experiment setup and automated case generation work in synergy with tNavigator’s powerful simulation engine.
    • Easy variable definition
    • Fully customisable objective function
    • Sensitivity Analysis
    • State of the art optimisation algorithms
    • Machine Learning & Ensembles
    Forecast Optimisation
    Optimising production strategies, well targets and development plans ensures optimal reservoir performance. The non-trivial task of optimisation is simplified with state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms. Project efficiency is boosted by the fully-parallel simulation engine.
    • Customisable objective function
    • Extensive optimisation algorithms toolbox
    • Forecast optimisation under uncertainty
    • Flexible python workflows
    Results Analysis
    Go far beyond basic data analysis with tNavigator’s history matching and uncertainty visualisation tools. View and assess results from thousands of cases in a unified interface. Utilise state-of-the-art tools to display & evaluate outcomes, and gain a truer, deeper understanding of your reservoir.
    • Live graphs, tables and crossplots
    • Automatic quantile calculations (P50, P90, P10)
    • Statistical plots (CDF, PDF) and histograms
    • Tornado & Pareto charts
    • Imbedded clusterisation
    • Customisable results dashboard
    Complete Static Modelling Solution

    In our technology you will find unique integrated workflows from geophysics to reservoir modelling, allowing geoscientists to construct a robust interpretation and reservoir model of their field. tNavigator promotes a collaborative environment for reservoir modelling, enabling geoscientists and engineers to integrate static and dynamic modelling in one technology.

    One Asset, One Software: The Future of Reservoir Modelling

    tNavigator is a state-of-the-art reservoir modelling and simulation platform, offering a wide range of advanced innovative tools for geoscience, reservoir and production engineering disciplines. This download provides an overview of our integrated solutions and highlights the benefits of choosing tNavigator.